Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia

Lowongan kerja terbaru PT Freeport Indonesia/ Logkerja.id – PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) berdiri sejak tahun 1966 dan merupakan perusahaan tambang terkemuka di dunia yang berafiliasi dengan PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) dan Freeport-McMoRan. Adapun lokasi penambangan PTFI saat ini berada di Grasberg, Papua yang terkenal kaya akan emas, perak dan juga tembaga.

Jika ingin cepat diterima kerja pastikan alamat tempat tinggal anda cukup dekat dengan perusahaan yang ingin anda lamar.

Misalnya anda sekarang berada di Makassar namun perusahaan tujuan lamaran di Surabaya. Maka tulislah dalam CV suatu alamat yang ada di Surabaya, namun alamat yang anda cantumkan harus benar adanya bukan fiktif.

Perihal alamat tersebut anda bisa meminta bantuan atau berkoordinasi terlebih dahulu dengan saudara, teman atau rekan yang tinggal di Surabaya guna meminjam alamat tinggal mereka untuk dimasukkan ke dalam CV milik anda. Selain alamat teman atau saudara, anda juga bisa menggunakan alamat tempat tinggal sementara seperti kontrakan, apartemen atau kos

Informasi alamat kantor perusahaan:
PT Freeport Indonesia
Corporate Communications
Plaza 89, Lt. 5
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No. 6
Jakarta 12940
Website: ptfi.co.id

Guna meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan yang lebih baik, pihak manajemen membuka kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya bagi anak bangsa untuk turut bergabung dalam loker PT Freeport Indonesia dengan menempati posisi sebagai berikut:

Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Freeport Indonesia

Sr. Manager, Underground Geotechnical

The purpose of this position is:
  • Manage, direct, monitor, control, and evaluate all activities of Underground Geo Services group (i.e. UG Geology, UG Geotechnical and Hydrology,) and Quality Assurance and Quality Control QAQC group to ensure targets and objectives are achieved in a safe, effective and efficient manner according to company guidelines and legal requirements.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position are:
  • Develop Department's long and short-term goals and measurement standards (including Department Mission, Program and Project Objectives, People Development, Safety and Environment) in all areas to ensure compliance with company goals so that clear directions of the programs are understood by all involved.
  • Plan, develop, and control annual budget and prepare associated AFE's to ensure cost-effective operations of the section, as well as to guide the future budgeting preparation.
  • Communicate goals and progress to relevant parties (e.g. middle and upper management,) to ensure that projects outlined and progress is well understood by outside parties.
  • Oversee and control activities of Geotechnical, Geology, and QAQC groups to ensure the implementation of geotechnical design and recommendations at Underground Mines with cooperation from mining operations and engineering.
  • Ensure that geological information are available and are used to support all geotechnical designs.
  • Oversee Hydrology group to ensure that effective dewatering plans are developed and implemented for each underground mines and Mill water supply requirements are met.
  • Manage geotechnical risk management at UG mines by developing geotechnical hazard maps and relevant action plans to ensure safe operation.
  • Manage outside consultants to ensure that required service is provided in efficient and effective manner.
  • Ensure that long-term geotechnical projects are coordinated with corporate geotechnical group, engineering, planning and consultants.
  • Ensure continuous professional development of national engineers through training and introduction of state of art geotechnical knowledge.
  • Oversee safety program to ensure safety programs are followed and adhered to.

The key challenges in this position include:
  • Achieve long-term company and Department goals, integration of immediate client requirements and short-term programs within these goals to produce overall plans
  • Ability to develop strong UG Geotech, Geology and QAQC group to support current and future FI underground mines
  • Ability to give geotechnical support for the transition between open pit and block cave mine
  • Ability to ensure proper interaction between different disciplines- Geology, Geotech and Mine Engineering

Minimum Education and Experience
  • A Tertiary (minimum S1 or Bachelor Degree)
  • Qualification in Geosciences with at least 20 years’ experience in geology and geotechnical engineering for underground mines with exposure to hydrology.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Knowledge of organizational theory and practice
  • Interpersonal skill
  • Analytical thinking
  • Managerial skill
  • Communication skill
  • Decision-making skill
  • Supervisory skill
  • Strategic orientation
  • Knowledge of geotechnical engineering
  • Knowledge of geology and hydrogeology
  • Knowledge of Underground excavation stability and support design
  • Other PTFI mandatory competencies

The key areas in which you have decision-making responsibility are:
  • Approves the designs and plans for the Department programs.
  • Approves acquisition and allocation of resources (people and equipment) to achieve the assigned objectives.
  • Approves plans and changes to the implementation of the plans as and when required to achieve program and project objectives within the approved budget.
  • Disciplinary discretion over subordinates.
  • Authorizes and delegates signing authority for warehouse requisitions for equipment

Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi dan tertarik pada posisi yang sedang ditawarkan pada lowongan PT Freeport Indonesia segera daftakan diri anda secara online melalui link yang ada di bawah ini:

Pendaftaran Online

Deadline lowongan:
Aplikasi lamaran anda ditunggu paling lambat sampai dengan tanggal 26 Mei 2022

Catatan penting:
1. Follow instagram @logkerja atau Telegram @logkerja untuk update info lowongan terbaru lainnya
2. Selama proses rekrutmen PT Freeport Indonesia tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan agen perjalanan/ travel manapun serta tidak pernah meminta sejumlah biaya kepada calon pelamar dengan alasan apapun

Hanya kandidat terpilih dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diundang oleh tim Talent Acquisition dari Human Resources Division untuk mengikuti tahap selanjutnya. Demikian informasi lowongan kerja PT Freeport Indonesia yang dapat kami sampaikan. Semoga sukses! [Logkerja].

Loker, Sarjana, 2022, Tambang, Freeport