Lowongan PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa

Lowongan PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa

Lowongan kerja terbaru PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa/ Logkerja.id

Profil perusahaan:
PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa merupakan perusahaan swasta yang begerak dalam bidang pertambang batubara dan termasuk salah satu dari anak perusahaan yang berada dibawah naungan Baramulti Group. Adapun tugas utama Perseroan di dalam grup perusahaan yaitu mengolah dan menyalurkan batubara (coal) yang dihasilkan oleh PT Antang Gunung Meratus, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Baradinamika Muda Sukses, dan anak perusahaan Baramulti Group lainnya ke pelanggan eksternal.

Informasi alamat kantor pusat perusahaan:
PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa
Grha Baramulti Lt. 3
Jl. Suryopranoto No. 2
Komplek Harmoni Plaza Blok A-8
Jakarta Pusat
Website: www.baramultigroup.co.id

Untuk menunjang kinerja dan perkembangan perusahaan yang lebih baik, pihak manajemen membuka kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya bagi putra-putri bangsa untuk bergabung dalam loker PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa dengan menempati posisi sebagai berikut:

Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa


Job responsibilities:
  • Track the progress of financial and accounting objectives
  • Organize financial data into useable information and maintain updated records
  • Manage month-end and year-end closing
  • Participate in regular tax audits
  • Establish accounting policies and procedures, aligned with company’s targets
  • Ensure compliance with the law
Job requirements:
  • Candidate must posses Bachelor's degree, especially from Accounting
  • At least 2 years working experience is required for this position
  • Having experience in Mining Industry would be advantage
  • Excellent on accounting knowledge, analytical thinking and administrative skill
  • Detail, focus and conscientious
  • Placement: Jakarta

Job responsibilities:
  • Analyze financial reports based on existing budgets.
  • Create daily, weekly and monthly financial reports using the Balance Sheet, Profit Loss and Cash Flow applications.
  • Responsible for cash expenditure and income (cash in & cash out)
  • Develop profit and loss statements and ensure their accuracy.
  • Make tax reports.
Job requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in Economics/ Accounting/ other relevant majors.
  • Have experience in the same field for at least 3 years.
  • Understand how to use the Balance Sheet, Profit Loss and Cash Flow applications.
  • Have good knowledge of finance and accounting such as invoicing, journaling, taxes, financial reports.
  • Placement: Jakarta

Job responsibilities:

  • Monitoring attendance, overtime and productivity
  • Support the development and implementation of HR initiatives and systems
  • Support the management of disciplinary and grievance issues
  • Implement effective onboarding plans
  • Provide counseling on policies and procedures
  • Assist in performance management processes
  • Maintain employee records according to policy and legal requirements
  • Advising line managers and other employees on the employer's own employment policies and procedures
  • Ensuring candidates have the right to work at the organisation
  • Actively involved in recruitment by preparing job descriptions, posting ads and managing the hiring process

Job requirements:

  • Bachelor's Degree, especially from Psychology, Master degree would be an advantage
  • At least 5 years working experience in HR
  • Excellent on analytical thinking, administrative skill and handling change management situation
  • Good interpersonal and manners
  • Strong written and oral communication skills (including presentations) as well as listening and interpretation skills
  • Advanced aptitude in Microsoft & Google suite
  • Ability to work well in a dynamic environment
  • Have CHRM certificate would be an advantage
  • Placement: Jakarta

Job responsibilities:

  • Ensuring the availability of heavy equipment by carrying out maintenance and maintenance, both preventive, predictive and corrective (KPI: PA, MTBF, MTTR)
  • Prepare a maintenance schedule for all heavy equipment and assets running according to schedule
  • Striving for efficiency in heavy equipment repair costs by maintaining standards and avoiding damage.
  • Make regular reports regarding maintenance and repairs.

Job requirements:

  • Minimum D3, majoring in Mechanical Engineering or other related major.
  • Minimum 3 years experience as a maintenance planner.
  • Heavy equipment mastery certification
  • Placement: Site PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa

Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi dan tertarik pada posisi yang sedang ditawarkan pada lowongan PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa segera kirimkan daftarkan diri anda secara online melalui link yang ada di bawah ini:

[ Accounting Officer ]

[ Finance Officer ]

Recruitment & Assessment Supervisor (Psychologist) ]

[ Maintenance A2B ]

Aplikasi lamaran ditunggu paling lambat sampai dengan tanggal 6 Juni 2024

Catatan penting:
1. Follow instagram @Logkerja atau Telegram @Logkerja untuk update info lowongan terbaru lainnya
2. Selama proses rekrutmen PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa dan Baramulti Group tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan agen perjalanan/ travel manapun serta tidak pernah meminta sejumlah biaya atau menawarkan hadiah (reward) kepada calon pelamar dengan alasan apapun
3. Hanya kandidat terpilih dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diundang oleh tim rekrutmen untuk mengikuti tahapan selanjutnya

Loker, Lowongan, PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa